




Product Description

T-1 Descaler is a powerful synthetic inhibited acid cleaner which is formulated to remove deposits in all types of non-potable water systems. T-1 easily removes even hard and old deposits of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, copper compounds and/or iron oxides without attacking the underlying metal surfaces. The acid used in T-1 converts these deposits into water-soluble salts. Iron oxide removal is hastened by the ability of the acid to form a stable soluble complex with the iron in the deposits.

T-1 descaling chemical is added with an organic inhibitor formula that electrolytically protects metal surfaces from attack by the acid while ensuring maximum efficiency descaling and rinsability.


  • Very powerful cleaning properties
  • Wide range of scale type, cleaning action
  • Applicable to a fair range of metals
  • Swift scale dissolution
  • Enhanced corrosion and acid damage inhibition


Application dosage of T-1 needed to clean a system depends on the size of the system, the type of deposit present, and the total amount (or thickness) of the deposit. Heavier deposits, or those containing high amounts of stable deposited ions, may require a higher dosage or additional cleaning cycles. Specific recommendations will be made by our Technical Department based on survey information and chemical analysis of the deposit. Neutralization of the substrate is recommended via NT-300 neutralizer to passivate the surface and protect it from corrosion.


T-1 requires special techniques for feeding. Feeding and application of this chemical are carried out with respect to cleaning requirements and substrate properties. Application of T-1 should only be done by concerned technical staff.


T-1 is an acid product, and its solutions are strongly acidic. Do not take internally. Avoid eye and skin contact. Should contact occur, immediately flush the area with large amounts of water. Strict adherence to the safety procedures prescribed, especially those in the Material Safety Data Sheet, is necessary in order to handle and use this product safely.


T-1 Descaler comes in containers conforming to Performance Oriented Packaging Specifications, in the following sizes:

  • 30 Kg PE container
  • On special request: 210 Kg PE container & 1 metric ton IBC cage tanks.


Here is the extracted text with headings in size 4 formatting (Markdown syntax):



According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II

Section 1: Identification & Company Undertaking

  • Chemical Name: T-1
  • Product Code: DC-ABL149
  • Composition Identity: Acid Chlorides, Amines, Imine Inhibitors, etc.
  • CAS Number: Not applicable to blend
  • Chemical Formula: Blend
  • Identified Usage: Industrial Descaler & Cleaner for chill & boiler water systems
  • Supplier: Maxon Chemical Products (Pvt.) Ltd.
    121/A Gule Daman, College Road, Lahore, Pakistan. 54000
  • Emergency Contact: Maxon Head Office (PK) – +92(42)35155441/2
  • Technical Principal: Maxon UK

Section 2: Hazards Identification

  • Emergency Overview: Irritation upon contact with eyes, possible burns upon prolonged contact. Skin & digestive tract burning.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Contact can cause irritation or burns to skin and eyes. Swallowing may be irritating or corrosive to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure: Exposure may cause chronic bronchitis or respiratory inflammation. Skin contact may cause dermatitis and severe burns. Ingestion may induce severe burning in the digestion tract.
  • Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: None known

Section 3: First Aid Measures

  • Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get prompt medical attention.
  • Ingestion: Give patient large amounts of milk or water to drink. Get patient to hospital promptly.
  • Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash skin with soap and water. Wash clothing before reuse.
  • Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
  • Note to Physician: Treat symptomatically. No specific antidote.

Section 4: Stability and Reactivity

  • Stability: Product is stable under normal conditions.
  • Hazardous Decomposition Products: Chlorine gas may be released when mixed with strong oxidizers, HCL, or CO.
  • Incompatibility: Substance polymerizes on contact with aldehydes or epoxides. Reactions with alkalies and metals generate heat.
  • Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.
  • Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible chemicals.

Section 5: Toxicological Information

  • RTECS: Various CAS numbers listed for different components.
  • Carcinogenicity: IARC-Group 3: Isopropyl alcohol, CAS#67-63-0, “animal carcinogen,” but NOT listed on ACGIH, NIOSH, NTR, or OSHA.

Section 6: Accidental Release

  • Utilize full protective clothing, boots, and protective equipment.
  • Contain spill to prevent contamination of sewage systems or water bodies.
  • Pump into marked containers for reclamation or disposal.
  • Absorb spill with inert materials.
  • If possible, neutralize residue on a dry basis with suitable alkali, such as lime or soda ash; then flush with water.




Heavy Duty Liquid Descaler highly inhibited descaler 


Product Description

T-2 is a Special Heavy duty acid Descaler widely used in all types of industries. Having very high cleaning efficiency combined with the highest inhibition ratio, T-2 provides protective and healthy descaling cleaning to a wide range of metal types. Formulated to remove deposits in all types of portable/non-potable water systems.

T-2 easily removes even hard and old deposits of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, copper compounds, and/or iron oxides, in boiler or cooling water, without attacking the underlying metal surfaces. The acid used in T-2 converts these deposits into water-soluble salts.


  • High scale removal efficiency
  • Excellent inhibition
  • Descaling of a wide variety of water-using systems
  • Removal of a broad range of deposited ions


Application dosage of T-2 needed to clean a system depends on the size of the system, the type of deposit present, and the total amount (or thickness) of the deposit. Heavier deposits, or those containing high amounts of stable deposited ions, may require a higher dosage or additional cleaning cycles. Specific recommendations will be made by our Technical Department based on survey information and chemical analysis of the deposit. Neutralization of the substrate is recommended via NT-300 neutralizer to passivate the surface and protect it from corrosion.


T-2 Requires special techniques for feeding. Feeding and application of this chemical are carried out with respect to cleaning requirements and substrate properties. Application of T-2 should only be done by concerned technical staff.


T-2 is an acid product and its solutions are strongly acidic. Do not take it internally. Avoid eye and skin contact. Should contact occur, immediately flush the area with large amounts of water. Strict adherence to the safety procedures prescribed, especially those in the Material Safety Data Sheet, is necessary to handle and use this product safely.


T-2 Descaler comes in containers conforming to Performance Oriented Packaging Specifications, in the following sizes:

  • 30 Kg PE container
  • On special request: 210 Kg PE container & 1 metric ton IBC cage tanks

Here is the text from the image with heading size 4:



According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II

Section 1: Identification & Company Undertaking

Chemical Name: T-2
Product Code: DC AHS274
Composition Identity: Acid Chlorides, Amines, Trizole etc.
CAS Number: Not applicable to blend
Chemical Formula: Blend
Identified Usage: Descaling & cleaning, Industrial & commercial use

Appearance and Color: Clear Pinkish Liquid
Odor: Acidic Odour (may induce fumes)
Solubility in Water: Completely miscible (may be vigorous)
Specific Gravity: 1.17
pH: Max 1
% Volatile by volume @ 21°C (70°F): NDA
Boiling Point: 130°C
Melting Point: -28°C (Freeze)
Vapor Density (Air=1): NDA
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): NDA
Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate=1): <0.1

Section 2: Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview: Irritation upon contact with eyes, possible burns upon prolonged contact. Skin & digestive tract burning.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Contact can cause irritation or burns to skin and eyes. Swallowing may be irritating or corrosive to the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure: Exposure may cause chronic bronchitis or respiratory inflammation. Skin contact may cause dermatitis and severe burns on skin. Ingestion may induce severe burning in ingestion tract.

Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: None known

Section 3: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get prompt medical attention.
Ingestion: Give the patient large amounts of milk or water to drink. Get patient to hospital promptly.
Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash skin with soap and water. Wash clothing before reuse.
Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
Note to Physician: Treat symptomatically. No specific antidote.

Section 4: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Product is stable under normal conditions.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Chlorine gas may be released when the product is mixed with strong oxidizers, HCL, or CO.
Incompatibility: Substance polymerizes on contact with aldehydes or epoxides. Reactions with alkalies and metals generate heat.
Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.
Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible chemicals.

Section 5: Toxicological Information

RTECS: CAS# 5329-14-6: WO5950000 / CAS#7647-01-0: VZ1860000 / CAS#105-55-5: YS9800000 / CAS# 100-97-0: NMA725000 / CAS# 10043-52-4: EV9810000 / CAS# 57-55-6: TY2000000 / CAS# 57-55-6: TY2000000 / CAS# 7664-38-2: TB6300000 / CAS# 67-63-0: NT8050000 / CAS# 65545-80-4: TR1851533 / CAS# 107-19-7: UK5075000

Carcinogenicity: None Known

Section 6: Accidental Release

Utilize full protective clothing, including boots and protective equipment (see Section 3). Contain spill in order to prevent contamination of sewage system or waterway. Pump into marked containers for reclamation or disposal. Absorb spill with inert material. If possible, neutralize residue on a dry basis with suitable alkali, such as lime or soda ash; then flush with water.






Product Description

T-3 is a specially formulated acid descaler with a dispersive ionic formulation to remove resilient and sticky scale of non-ordinary chemical properties and band edge polarity. Having very high cleaning efficiency combined with inhibiting organic chemicals, T-3 provides protective and healthy descaling cleaning to a wide range of carbon steel and other surfaces. T-3 efficiently removes scale deposited by dissolving and discharge method. T-3 also provides protection to the underlying surface of precious components.


  • Best used for descaling of special surfaces and precious industrial components
  • Scale removing of varying polarity deposited ions
  • Protective nature
  • High cleaning efficiency
  • Good water solubility


The application dosage of T-3 needed to clean a special surface system depends on the size of the system, the type of deposit present, the type of substrate surface, and the total amount (or thickness) of the deposit. Heavier deposits, or those containing high amounts of stable deposited ions, may require a higher dosage or additional cleaning cycles. Specific recommendations will be made by our Technical Department based on a survey of information and chemical analysis of the deposit. Neutralization of substrate is recommended via NT-300 neutralizer to passivate the surface and protect it from corrosion.


T-3 requires special techniques for feeding. Feeding and application of this chemical is carried out with respect to cleaning requirements and substrate properties. Application of T-3 should only be done by concerned technical staff.


T-3 is an acid product, and its solutions are strongly acidic. Do not take internally. Avoid eye and skin contact. Should contact occur, immediately flush the area with large amounts of water. Strict adherence to the safety procedures prescribed, especially those in the Material Safety Data Sheet, is necessary in order to handle and use this product safely.


T-3 Descaler comes in containers conforming to Performance Oriented Packaging Specifications, in the following sizes:
  • 30 Kg PE container
  • On special request:
    • 210 Kg PE container
    • 1 metric ton IBC cage tanks
Let me know if you need any modifications! 😊  




Product Description

CLEANX-108 is a dispersion-based liquid specialty cleaner formulated to remove deposits in all types of yellow metal and resembling non-potable water systems. CLEANX-108 removes deposits of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate mud, sugar, rubber, and sludge without attacking the underlying metal surfaces. The acid used in CLEANX-108 converts these deposits into water-soluble salts, ensuring easy removal and discharge of deposited salt and materials. Iron oxide removal is hastened by the compound’s ability to form a stable soluble complex with the iron in the deposits. CLEANX-108 is designed to be a multi-purpose cleaner for evaporator coils, air coolers, condensers, AHU, FCH, etc., while ensuring high efficiency in descaling, risibility, and fume reduction.


  • Dispersive and protective cleaning method
  • Removal of multi-type deposits
  • Mild acid cleaning without corrosion
  • Non-harsh cleaning efficiency with high degreasing properties
  • Yellow metal and aluminum friendly


The application dosage of CLEANX-108 needed to clean a yellow metal or resembling surface system depends on the size of the system, the type of deposit present, the type of substrate surface, and the total amount (or thickness) of the deposit. Heavier deposits or those containing high amounts of stable deposited ions may require a higher dosage or additional cleaning cycles. Specific recommendations will be made by our Technical Department based on survey information and chemical analysis of the deposit. Post-cleaning neutralization may be required depending on the metal type.


CLEANX-108 requires special techniques for feeding. Feeding and application of this chemical must be carried out with respect to cleaning requirements and substrate properties. Application of CLEANX-108 should only be done by concerned technical staff.


CLEANX-108 is an acid product, and its solutions are strongly acidic. Do not take it internally. Avoid eye and skin contact. If contact occurs, immediately flush the area with large amounts of water. Strict adherence to safety procedures prescribed, especially those in the Material Safety Data Sheet, is necessary to handle and use this product safely.


CLEANX-108 Descaler comes in containers conforming to Performance-Oriented Packaging Specifications in the following sizes:
  • 30 Kg PE container
  • On special request:
    • 210 Kg PE container
    • 1 metric ton IBC cage tanks
  Here is the text from the image with heading size 4:



According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II

Section 1: Identification & Company Undertaking

Chemical Name: CLEANX-108 Product Code: DC-CX-0 Composition Identity: Sulfamic, Hexamine, Phosphoric acid, IPA CAS Number: Not applicable to blend Chemical Formula: Blend Identified Usage: General-purpose cleaning

Section 2: Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview: May cause severe irritation to eyes. May be irritating to the respiratory tract. May be fatal if swallowed. Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Contact with mist or vapor may cause skin irritation. Contact with eyes will cause immediate pain and may be corrosive to corneal tissue. Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure: Repeated exposure may cause chronic bronchitis or respiratory inflammation. Repeated or extended skin contact may be corrosive. Repeated eye contact may cause conjunctivitis and photosensitization. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: NA

Section 3: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get prompt medical attention. Ingestion: Give patient large amounts of milk or water to drink. Get the patient to the hospital promptly. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash skin with soap and water. Wash clothing before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Forcibly hold eyelids apart to ensure complete irrigation of the eye. Get medical attention. Note to Physician: Treat symptomatically. No specific antidote.

Section 4: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Product is stable under normal conditions. In water solution, slowly hydrolyzes to form ammonium sulfate and bisulfate. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide gases, nitrogen oxides, ammonia in a fire. Incompatibility: Strong oxidizers, nitric acid, chlorine. Solution is acidic and reacts violently with bases. Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported. Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible chemicals.

Section 5: Toxicological Information

  • CAS# 5329-14-6: WO5950000
  • CAS# 7732-18-5: ZC0110000
  • CAS# 100-97-0: MN4725000
  • CAS# 10043-52-4: EV9810000
  • CAS# 57-55-6: TY2000000
  • CAS# 7664-38-2: TB6300000
  • CAS# 67-63-0: NT8050000
  • CAS# 65545-80-4: TR815833
  • CAS# 107-19-7: UK057000
Carcinogenicity: Isopropyl alcohol is a Group 3 animal carcinogen, but NOT listed on ACGIH, NIOSH, NTR, or OSHA. Other ingredients are not listed as carcinogens by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTR, or OSHA.

Section 6: Accidental Release

Utilize full protective clothing, including boots and protective equipment (see Section 3). Contain spill in order to prevent contamination of sewage systems or waterways. Pump into marked containers for reclamation or disposal. Absorb spill with inert material. If possible, neutralize residue on a dry basis with suitable alkali, such as lime or soda ash; then flush with water.  
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