Treatment For cooling Water




Product Description

BIOGEEN-100 biocide is a unique, oxidizing biocide that effectively controls biofilm and microorganism production in recirculating cooling water and other water systems. BIOGEEN-100 reduces microbial activity by up to 99.9 percent, providing a truly clean system. By virtually eliminating biological activity, the biocide stops biofilm from forming and thus adversely impacting system performance.

BIOGEEN-100 reacts with reductive compounds within the structure of microorganisms, preventing the microbes from producing energy. Loss of energy production causes them to die before they can adhere to surfaces for biofilm formation. The microbiocide also penetrates and removes existing biofilm and algal deposits, leaving the system cleaner and healthier.


  • Effective microbial control over a wide range of species
  • Energy disruption formula; minimizing microbial immunity
  • Effective removal of pre-developed biofilms
  • Lesser environmental footprints
  • Prominent microbial control in the growth season
  • Non-volatile formula
  • No foaming produced


BIOGEEN-100 dosage is calculated based on raw water quality, location of the system, weather & climate, and other environmental aspects. Physical condition is also kept in account to calculate the effective dosage for complete dispersion of pre-deposited organic films.


BIOGEEN-100 is an anti-microbial chemical, hence fed in shock doses to effectively eliminate the maximum number of developed or developing microbes. This chemical is most importantly advised to be dosed after sunset in a suggested amount to attack microbial colonies in the cellular respiration process (opposite of photosynthesis).


Keep in a well-ventilated place. Do not store this material near food, feed, or drinking water. Containers may be hazardous when empty. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow all MSDS and label warnings even after the container is emptied. Use all protective gear and consult MSDS for other safety information.


BIOGEEN-100 comes in containers conforming to Dosage Oriented Packaging Specifications, in the following sizes:

  • 10 Kg PE Canister
  • 30 Kg PE container
    1 metric ton cage tanks are also provided on special requests.



According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II

Section 0: Physical Properties

Appearance and Color: Yellow liquid

Odor: Slight odour

Solubility in Water: Completely miscibile

Specific Gravity: 1.02

pH: 11-12

% volatile by volume @ 21C (70F): NDA

Boiling Point: NDA

Melting Point: NDA

Vapor Density (Air=1): NDA

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): NDA

Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate 1): <0.1

Section 1: Identification & Company Undertaking

Chemical Name: Biogeen-100 biocide
Product Code: AMC-41
Composition Identity: Methyl isothiazolin, hypochlorite
CAS Number: Not applicable to blend
Chemical Formula: Blend
Identified Usage: Biocidal product (industrial or commercial usage)

Section 2: Hazards Identification

Hazard Overview: Hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29CFR 1910.1200.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Contact with liquid or vapor may cause skin irritation. Contact with eyes will cause immediate pain. May cause irritation upon inhalation.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure: Repeated exposure may cause chronic bronchitis or respiratory inflammation. Repeated or extended skin contact may lead to corrosive effects. Repeated eye contact may cause conjunctivitis and photosensitization.

Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Asthma, heart disease, respiratory disorder.

Section 3: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get prompt medical attention.
Ingestion: Call poison center. Give patient sips of water if able. Do not induce vomiting unless guided by a doctor.
Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash and rinse the skin with soap and water. Call poison control for treatment.
Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately.
Note to Physician: Treat symptomatically.

Section 4: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Product is stable under normal conditions. May also be reactive in some circumstances.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Produces oxygen from contact with copper. May develop chlorine if mixed with acidic compounds.
Incompatibility: Oxidizing agents, acids, nitrogen-containing organics, metals, iron.
Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.
Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible chemicals.

Section 5: Toxicological Information

Odor Threshold: Approximately 0.9 mg/m³ (0.3 ppm), pungent.
Irritation Threshold: No data available.
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health: Not established for the product.
Animal Toxicology:

  • Acute Oral Toxicity: LD50 rat Dose: 3 – 5 g/kg
  • Acute Dermal Toxicity: LD50 rabbit Dose: > 2 g/kg
  • Acute Inhalation Toxicity: LC50

Section 6: Accidental Release

Restrict access to the affected area. Use personal protective equipment. Use NIOSH-approved respiratory protection. Keep people away from and upwind of the spill/leak. Avoid release to sewage.




Product Description

BIOCIDE-BT is a unique, non-volatile oxidizing microbiocide that effectively controls microbiological growth in recirculating cooling water and other water-utilizing systems. BIOCIDE-BT reduces microbial activity by up to 99.9 percent, providing a truly clean system. By virtually eliminating biological activity, the biocide stops biofilm from forming and thus adversely impacting system performance.

BIOCIDE-BT reacts with reductive compounds within the structure of microorganisms and induces a destructive effect on microorganism DNA, hence preventing their energy production ability. Loss of energy production terminates microbial production and inactivates the maximum number of microbial DNA, leaving the system clean and safer.


  • Effective microbial control
  • DNA disruption effective over a very wide range of microbial species
  • Energy disruption formula; minimizing microbial immunity
  • Effective removal of pre-developed biofilms
  • Lesser environmental footprints
  • Prominent microbial control in the growth season
  • Non-volatile, No Foaming & does not increase salinity


BIOCIDE-BT dosage is calculated on the basis of raw water quality, location of the system, weather & climate, and other environmental aspects. Physical condition is also kept in account in order to calculate effective dosage for complete dispersion of pre-deposited organic films.


BIOCIDE-BT is an anti-microbial chemical, hence fed in shock doses to effectively eliminate the maximum number of developed or developing microbes. This chemical is most importantly advised to be dosed after sunset in a suggested amount to attack microbial colonies in the cellular respiration process (opposite of photosynthesis).


Keep in a well-ventilated place. Do not store this material near food, feed, or drinking water. Containers may be hazardous when empty. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow all MSDS and label warnings even after the container is emptied. Use all protection gear and consult MSDS for other safety information.


BIOCIDE-BT comes in containers conforming to Dosage-Oriented Packaging Specifications, in the following sizes:

  • 10 Kg PE Canister
  • 30 Kg PE Container
  • 1 metric ton cage tanks are also provided on special requests.

Section 0: Physical Properties

Appearance and Color: Yellow liquid

Odor: Slight odour

Solubility in Water: Completely miscibile

Specific Gravity: 1.02

pH: 11-12

% volatile by volume @ 21C (70F): NDA

Boiling Point: NDA

Melting Point: NDA

Vapor Density (Air=1): NDA

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): NDA

Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate 1): <0.1


According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II

Section 1: Identification & Company Undertaking

Chemical Name: Biocide-BT micro-biocide
Product Code: AMC-814-3C
Composition Identity: Methyl isothiazolinone, hypochlorite, Hydroxide
CAS Number: Not applicable to blend
Chemical Formula: Blend
Identified Usage: Biocidal product, industrial or commercial usage

Supplier: Maxon Chemical Products (Pvt.) Ltd.
121/A Gule Daman, College Road, Lahore, Pakistan. 54000
Emergency Contact: Maxon Head Office (PK) – +92(42)35155441/2
Technical Principal: Maxon UK

Section 2: Hazards Identification

Hazard Overview: Hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29CFR 1910.1200.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure:

  • Contact with liquid or vapor may cause skin irritation.
  • Contact with eyes will cause immediate pain.
  • May cause irritation on inhaling.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure:

  • Repeated exposure may cause chronic bronchitis or respiratory inflammation.
  • Prolonged or extended skin contact may be corrosive.
  • Eye contact may cause conjunctivitis and photosensitization.

Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure:
Asthma, Heart disease, Respiratory disorder

Section 3: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get prompt medical attention.

Ingestion: Call poison center. Give patient sips of water if able. Do not induce vomiting unless guided by a doctor.

Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash and rinse skin with soap and water. Call poison control for treatment.

Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately.

Note to Physician: None

Section 4: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Product is stable under normal conditions. May also be reactive in some circumstances.

Hazardous Decomposition Products: Produces oxygen from contact with copper, may develop chlorine if mixed with acids.

Incompatibility: Oxidizing agents, Acids, Nitrogen-containing organics, Metals, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cobalt & Organic materials

Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported

Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible chemicals

Section 5: Toxicological Information

Odor Threshold: Approximately 0.9 mg/m3 (0.3 ppm) pungent
Irritation Threshold: No data available
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health: Not established for the product.

Animal Toxicology:

  • Acute oral toxicity: LD50 rat Dose: 2.5 – 5 g/kg
  • Acute dermal toxicity: LD50 rabbit Dose: > 2 g/kg
  • Acute inhalation toxicity: LC50

Section 6: Accidental Release

Restrict access to the affected area. Use personal protective equipment. Use NIOSH-approved respiratory protection. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Avoid release to sewage.



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