- +923008668862
- Ihr@maxonchemicals.com
ACETICON ADD is a high strength organic acid dye fixing and ph maintaining agent, it is used in processings, coagulation of rubber latex, leather tanning, nickel plating balns etc.
ACETICON ACID serves as a high strength organic substitute to expensive organic acid for a broad range of applications.
ACETICON ACID can be used in contrast to acetic acid, formic acid, oxalic acid and other organic acids. The key benefit of the product is that it is economical when compared to acetic and and shows better performance in every function MAXON manufactured product aceticon acid is workable at comparatively lower concentration
ACETICON ACID comes in containers conforming to performance oriented packaging specification, in the following sizes: 35kg PE container and on special request: 250kg PE container and 1 metric ton IBC cage tanks
ACETICON ACID is used for various industrial processes. especially for dyeing, textile pH maintenance, dye fixation, collagen penetration in leather, alkall and bleach removal, rubber coagulation and many others
In general ACETICON ACO can be used in almost every Industrial process where acetic or formic acid is used for textile, dyeing leather industries and rubber
ACETICON ACID mainly acts as a neutralizer 3 washing agent. It provides better and efficient results driven by its advance formula.
Aceticon acid is formulated to be a high efficiency substitute to acetic acid for use in textile and leather industry having diverse chemical composition and better strength Aceticon acid at lower dose delivers high quality performance it even holds the lower pH levels for longer duration as compared to other acids
Leather Industry
Formacon Acid is used in leather industry to control pH of washing bath and also act as dye fixing agent
Textile & Dyeing Industry
Formacon acid is used in textile dyeing neutralization after bleaching, and water-repelient finishing. As an alternative to formic acid. Formacon acid shows better pH reduction than other acids.
Rubber & Processing Industry
In good quality rubber production. Formacon acid is used for better results as latex coagulation
Formacon is a very efficient and better substitute to many organic acids used in leather and textile industry Having diverse chemical composition. Formacon is not only versatile in use but also offers very high performance as compared to traditional organic or other acids. It was synthesized keeping in mind the large consumption of expensive organic acids for dye fixing, pH maintaining and various cell penetration processes. Hence it can replace organic acids like formic acid, Acetic acid and other acids in many processes and can provide user with better efficiency even in less cost.
Formacon is synthesized by carbonyl addition to yield sulfanium ion and then followed by various processes of addition and distillation with strong catalyst that drives nucleophile attack on complex structure of premature Formacon molecule. Final yield is hydrolyzed and purified to obtain pure formacon for industrial uses.
Cost Effective:
Formacon which is available in market in lesser cost than formic acid. Chemistry of formacon is much efficient than other acids and it is consumed in lesser quantity compared to other acids
High Performance:
As Formacon is composed of several dye fixing and pH maintaining agents, it shows very high strength and efficiency in fixing, pickling and pH maintaining processes in leather and textile industries
Lesser TOCs Contribution:
Traditional organic acids contributes a large amount of Total organic contents to waste water. However formacon does not contribute as much TOCS to waste water and reduces enviromental foot prints
Better Tensile Strength & Color Fastness:
Lipon comparison, products treated with formacon formulation shows significantly higher degree of
Formacon acid provides very fast pH reduction as compared to formic acid. It maintains stable pH levels for longer period of time. Supports washing process even at higher temprature. Chemically advanced alkall neutalization formula gives best performance on almost all types of alkalis used in fabric treatment. Maintains a better shade consistency for dyeing and printing. formacon acid is known to result a better whiteness as compared to traditional formic acid. It supports wide range of dyes and pigments without denaturing them and result in case of use for dyeing personnel.
Hydroxen Power
WHAT IS Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid at room temperature with a bitter taste Small amounts of gaseous hydrogen peroxide occur naturally in the air. Hydrogen peroxide is unstable, decomposing readily to oxygen and water with release of heat. Although nonflammable, it is a powerful oxidizing agent that can cause spontaneous combustion when it comes in contact with organic material
WHAT IS Hydroxen Power
Hydroxen Power is a next generation of high strength Industrial bleaching agent Hydroxen is specially made by catalysing the functionality of molecular Hydrogen peroxide and is directly created out by the molecule itself Advance formulation offer higher degree of nascent hydrogen which in term provides much better bleaching performance.
Use of Hydraxen Power will surely help the industry by reducing their cost and increasing efficiency of the process Because of high performance of Hydroxen, it is also used considerably in lesser quantity
Hydroxen for Textile Bleaching
Hychosen is the bleaching agent for the treatment of natural and synthetic fibers (cotton, wool, silk, Anen, rayonl The se of Hydroxen allows not only a high degree of brightness, but also preserves the mechanical properties of the fibers. Similar to pulp bleaching, this process takes place in an alkalne enwonment. The bleaching liquons have to be stabillard to prevent decomposition reactions due to the presence of trace metals such as copper, tron and manganese, which can often be found in fibens or in water
Hydroxen for Pulp Bleaching
In the bleaching of Kraft pulp the armally mo important pulp type, Hydrosen will be amphedu stage processes Alkaline conditions are required t generate the active bleaching species from Hydrawn th perhydroxyl anion, Consequenth extraction stage can be uned for peroxide addition to boost the efflictson extraction and brightness. The application of Hydroxan allows top brightness levels with improved brightness stability and optimised economy through savings in the total chemicals consumption
Hydroxen Power
Designed for industrial Utve
Hydroxen is advanced and enhanced form of Hydrogen peroxide by catalysing the peroxide itself and hence because of being purpose built, this commercially dedicated product offer much better brightness and bleaching properties when compared to traditional Hydrogen peroxide products
Hydrasen is easy to use with minimum installation of equipment and thus requires los capital investiment making it competitive among the different traditional technologies
+923008668862 +923000041133
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