Treatment For Reverse Osmosis




Product Description

RO-300 is an aqueous solution of a specialized polycarboxylic acid, highly effective in controlling the deposition of inorganic scale-forming salts and particulate fouling on membrane surfaces.

Special polymerized and phosphonic derivative containing formula ensures cleanliness and deposition control on membrane, which results in longer membrane life.

RO-300 is very material-friendly and does not affect membrane pore-size, hence resulting in high purity in permeate water. RO-300 is not affected by chlorine or other oxidizing biocides under normal conditions of use. RO-300 may be used in membrane systems using chlorine and sodium metabisulphite.


  • Excellent control of carbonate scales, sulfate, and fluoride for cost-effective operation
  • Effectively controls both soluble and insoluble iron
  • Effective against silica fouling
  • Dispersant
  • Compatible with all major membranes
  • International potable water approvals


A maximum of 10% w/w concentration is recommended for injection. However, the actual dosage level will be calculated by a Maxon Engineer for your system.

RO-300 is very miscible in water. Hence, it should be used as a water solution premade in poly-tank.

Dosage is required to be constant and directly proportional to plant usage.


RO-300 is fed using chemical feeding equipment with PP or PVDF head make. The recommended injection point is into the feedwater downstream of any filtration equipment and cartridge filters.


Use all safety procedures before handling. Keep in a well-ventilated place. Do not store this material near food, feed, or drinking water. Do not store in metallic containers. Use only recommended material for storage. Consult MSDS for other safety information.


RO-300 comes in containers conforming to Performance and Mobility Oriented Packaging Specifications, in the following sizes:

  • 30 Kg PE container
  • 210 Kg PE container & 1 metric ton IBC cage tanks (on special request)


According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II

Section 0: Physical Properties

Appearance and Color: Clear Liquid
Odor: Faint odor
Solubility in Water: Completely miscible
Specific Gravity: 1.07
pH: 3-3.5
% volatile by volume @ 21°C (70°F): NDA
Boiling Point: 100-102°C
Melting Point: NDA
Vapor Density (Air=1): NDA
Bulk Density: NDA
Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate=1): NDA

Section 1: Identification & Company Undertaking

Chemical Name: RO-300
Product Code: FWT-298
Chemical Composition: Phosphonic derivative, polycarboxylic acid
CAS Number: Not applicable to blend
Chemical Formula: Blend
Identified Usage: Scale & fouling inhibitor for reverse osmosis and other filtration plants

Section 0: Physical Properties

Appearance and Color: Clear Liquid
Odor: Faint odor
Solubility in Water: Completely miscible
Specific Gravity: 1.07
pH: 3-3.5
% volatile by volume @ 21°C (70°F): NDA
Boiling Point: 100-102°C
Melting Point: NDA
Vapor Density (Air=1): NDA
Bulk Density: NDA
Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate=1): NDA

Section 2: Hazards Identification

Hazard Overview: May cause eye and skin irritation, respiratory and digestive tract irritation. Harmful if inhaled or swallowed.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure:
Contact may cause irritation or burns to eyes, skin, respiratory tract, and mucous membranes. Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure: NDA

Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: None Known

Section 3: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air.

Ingestion: Call for attention. If vomiting occurs, the head should be kept low so that stomach vomit doesn’t enter the lungs.

Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash and rinse skin with soap and water. Call poison control for treatment.

Eye Contact: Immediately rinse with water for at least 15 minutes. Flush with plenty of water for up to 15 minutes.

Note to Physician: Treat symptomatically.

Section 4: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Stable under normal temperature conditions and recommended use.

Hazardous Decomposition Products: Fire creates toxic gases/vapors/fumes of CO, CO₂, and oxides of N, P & S.

Incompatibility: Strong alkalies.

Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid: Reacts with alkalis and generates heat. Avoid excessive heat for prolonged time.

Section 5: Toxicological Information

Toxic Dose 1 – LD 50: 2400 mg/kg (oral rat)

Inhalation: May cause irritation to the respiratory system.

Ingestion: May cause discomfort if swallowed. May cause stomach pain or vomiting.

Health Warnings: Irritating to eyes.

Section 6: Accidental Release

Should be prevented from entering drains. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand, or earth and place into containers. Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers in licensed waste.


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